Art and the senses of the world

In our contemporary context, rife with symbols and interpretations that blend and clash, questions remain about the possibilities of individuals finding their way. Each of us may feel, to a greater or lesser extent, the urgency of attributing meaning, under the penalty of being overwhelmed by images, texts and sounds that construct reality. 

Art participates in this symbolic circulation as a protagonist, with its often disturbing presence and commentaries regarding other presences. In this way, the approximation of contemporary visual art production can signify the expansion of its possibilities for reading the things of the world to various audiences.

From the perception of this potential comes the partnership between SESC – the Social Service of Commerce and the Bienal de São Paulo Foundation, born out of the compatibility of their missions for spreading and fomenting contemporary art and which has been manifested in joint actions since 2010. The 31st Bienal consolidates this partnership with the development of educational efforts, such as open meetings and curatorial workshops, as well as the co-production of artworks with selected pieces traveling to SESC locations throughout the state.
This shared effort reaffirms the conviction that the fields of culture and art are geared for educational intervention – a real vector of collaboration and the transformation of individuals and society. 

Danilo Santos de Miranda
Regional Director of SESC São Paulo

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