all Open meetings Educational Material Projects Workshop
Educational material: effecting change
The material is being designed to supply collective tools so that the full set of relations, each with its own intensity and duration, can result in transformation.

Education is foremost in the proposals for the 31st Bienal. Understood as a process rather than as a simple platform for exhibiting works of art in a given space, this edition of the Bienal aims to underscore art’s capacity to self-activate in contact with different people and contexts, and its ability to interact and intervene in a special, effective or controversial way.

Conceived by the Fundação Bienal’s Education Department in collaboration with the curators and the Fundação’s design and publication teams, the educational material for the 31st Bienal is currently in production. 



Rather than a preparatory guide to the exhibition, the material is designed to supply tools for collective use, and will be delivered to schools at the beginning of the school year,  providing lines of investigation and themes that intend to motivate collective discussion and classwork.

Organized around ten projects that will be part of the Bienal program and developed in dialogue with some of the curatorial project’s guiding concepts—Collectivity, Imagination, Conflicts and Transformation—the material has already effected change in its own production process: some thirty guests, among teachers, educators and pedagogical coordinators, helped draft the content at a workshop held in late November.   


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