all Open meetings Educational Material Projects Workshop
“… - OHPERA – MUET - ...” Last presentation
On November 26, at 2pm, UEINZZ gives its final presentation of the film made with Alejandra Riera

‘Once upon a time some little men had the bright idea to build a “capital of the world”, or “world capital”, imagining a Whole-Entire-World that could fit into a model so that they could play the game of War—like children who never did grow up—to their hearts’ content. To this end they invented an eternal present, some stories to etch in marble, and loads of machines to make adults-children disappear. Among its many features, the project included a vast square with an exhibition hall for this population of child-kings, and the central square therein was an unassailable fortress built to withstand any revolt, as all the windows overlooking the square were of bullet-proof glass in armored sashes, while the doors were of steel plate and the one and only gate onto this inner sanctum was of cast iron. The brief duration of this tale is known to have left an untold diversity of beings dead and as many again unable to sleep.’ – Partial views (image/text) and fragments of an unfinished film of the project. … - OHPERA – MUET - ...”  (2014)  ["… - OHPERA – MUTE - ..."], by Alejandra Riera and UEINZZ.

On November 26, at 2pm, the group gives its final presentation at the Centro de Convivência e Cooperativa (CECCO), Gate 5, Parque do Ibirapuera, where they assembled a temporary cinema in which to screen the film.


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